RSCIT Answer Key 31 January 2021

RSCIT is the pioneer course for basic digital literacy training. Here you can find RSCIT Answer key 31 January 2021 and question paper solution for all Series A, B, C, D. RSCIT Stand for (Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information and Technology). It is an elementary basic computer course run by RKCL (Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Ltd.) and its exam is conducted by VMOU (Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota, Rajasthan).
On 31 January 2021, as you know, VMOU will be going to be organized the RS-CIT Exam all over Rajasthan. We will publish the rscit answer key as per our knowledge and experience. We are authorized computer center ITGK (Information Technology Ghayn Kendra) of RKCL.
We are very much delighted to analyze the rscit answer key once again. Now it’s another exam event going to be held on Sunday, 31 January 2021. Students of Jan 20, Feb 20, March 20, April 20, May 20, June 20, and July 20 Batch are eligible for this exam event.
How to Check RSCIT Answer Key 31 January 2021
- Open the official website of Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota.
- Click on the link of RSCIT 31 January 2021 Answer Key.
- Download PDF file as publishes by VMOU.
- Now match your OMR Sheet answers with the VMOU answer key.
What is the RSCIT EXAM Pattern?
- Maximum Marks- 70 Offline Paper
- Total No of Questions (MCQ Based)- 35
- Each Question carries 2 Marks.
- Passing Marks- 28
- Medium – Hindi & English.
- Duration- 1 Hour.
- Date- 31 January 2021, Sunday.
- Exam Timing 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
VMOU RSCIT Result 31 January 2021 Declared-
Click the below link to find your RSCIT 31 January 2021 Exam Result by VMOU-
RSCIT Exam Admit Card-
Your RSCIT exam admits cards are issued by VMOU, Kota. Please contact your rscit computer center (ITGK-(Information Theology Gyan Kendra), where you get admission in the rscit course and collect your admit card. Don’t go and surf the internet to search how to download the rscit exam admit card. Your admit card is only available at your learning center. So do not open multiple false websites to download it.
Passing Marks in RSCIT Exam-
- For Internal Exam- 12 Marks
- For External (Theory) Exam- 28 Marks (14 Right Questions)
Students declared passed in the RSCIT exam only when he/she score 28 marks in external paper and 12 marks in internal paper separately. In the external paper total, 35 multiple choice questions (MCQ) are available, out of 35 questions; you have to correct 14 questions minimum to get the passing marks in the external paper.
Same in the internal paper, which you gave online exam at your computer learning center ITGK and get at least 12 minimum marks to declare passed in rscit internal exam.
In simple words, if you have to correct you’re 14 questions each carrying 2 marks in the external paper then you score 28 marks and declared passed in the exam by VMOU. If you want to clear this exam please read our previous article-
RSCIT Exam Important Topics -
We analyze old rscit exam papers for you and found some important tips for you. Some topics and their weight in the exam are as follows-
- Computer System and Introduction- 5 to 6 Questions
- Internet- 6 to 7 Questions
- Operating System- 2 Questions
- Microsoft Word- 3 Questions
- Microsoft Excel- 3 Questions
- Microsoft PowerPoint- 1 Question
- Digital Payments and Platforms- 2 Questions
- Digital Facilities-3 Questions
- Cyber Security- 1 Question
- Managing Computers and Other applications of Computers- No Question
How do you Do RSCIT?
If you want to join the rscit course then you can apply for admission at RKCL ITGK (Information Technology Gyan Kendra) centers from any district of the Rajasthan State. You can find authorized computer centers for the rscit course from RKCL’s official website.
RSCIT course is now available in both offline and online mode. For detailed syllabus, exam pattern, fee information, and online admission please visit-
RSCIT Course Admission and Course Info
You can visit and read all about RSCIT course admission information and syllabus from our website RSCIT COURSE
What is the meaning of RSCIT?
- RSCIT is a basic computer course known as the ‘Rajasthan State Certificate in Information Technology’. You can learn operation system windows 10, Microsoft office 2010, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, Internet Application and Typing Skills in RSCIT Course.
- RSCIT is a well-known computer basic course run and managed by Rajasthan knowledge corporation Ltd. (RKCL). Know RSCIT is an essential qualification for a student who wants to apply for Rajasthan state government jobs.
- It is a basic comprehensive computer course; designed in such a way that helps in developing a fundamental understanding of computers, helps in learning the essential skills to use a computer with confidence, be more productive at home or work, use technology to complement lifestyle and growth in career.
- The government of Rajasthan has also found this course suitable for IT literacy and recognized under the Department of IT & Communications.
Important Instructions for Students-
- Kindly bring an original copy of the admit card and any photo ID proof in original (Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter's ID card, Passport, Institution ID card, etc.) along with you.
- The candidate should report to the examination center before 11:00 to 11:30 AM. After 11:30 AM a Candidate shall not be permitted to enter the examination center under any circumstance.
- The examination will be held based on the objective question and a black or blue ballpoint pen shall be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.
- The use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination Hall.
- if any student found any discrepancy in the admit card, mail to
- The examination center will not be changed in any case.
- 6 Digit Roll no has been allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on the OMR sheet carefully.
- There will be 4 Series in the question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on the OMR sheet carefully.
- The candidate must bring a writing pad with him/her.
- Kindly read the instructions mentioned on the OMR sheet and question booklet carefully.
- The candidate has to mention the Roll No. on the Question Booklet.
RSCIT Answer Key 31 January 2021 Compliant-
If you have found any problem with the authorized answer key issued by VMOU, then feel free to contact the university by submitting your problem related to the answer key at the following email address-
This is the official rscit exam event based on the new syllabus. You can find the official rscit answer key of the 31 January 2021 exam at on Vardhman Mahaveer Open University Kota, known as (VMOU), website You can also download and check the official answer key from our website after the exam.
RSCIT Exam Books-
Many students ask a question about which is the best book for the rscit exam? Which one is the best book to read out in exams?
So, when we think about it, and we found that the best book is the only book that has 100% accuracy is rscit official book published by VMOU and distributed by RKCL. If you have not taken it then contact your center and take your copy from the learning center. It is free of cost and not available in the market for sale.
Read each and every chapter of this book. All the questions in the exam coming only from this book. Do not confuse about the book. Many private publishers publish rscit question bank or model paper. They are good, but not authenticate, not fruitful, not reliable. There is no guarantee that any gas paper or important question may come in your question paper.
So, Faith in the official book is the best book. Focus on your learning, no gas work working in the exam, only your practical skill is helpful because it is a computer practical based exam, not a theory-based exam.
Important Instructions for Students-
- Kindly bring an original copy of the admit card and any photo ID proof in original (Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter's ID card, Passport, Institution ID card, etc.) along with you.
- The candidate should report to the examination center before 11:00 to 11:30 AM. After 11:30 AM a Candidate shall not be permitted to enter the examination center under any circumstance.
- The examination will be held based on the objective question and a black or blue ballpoint pen shall be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.
- The use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination Hall.
- if any student found any discrepancy in the admit card, mail to
- The examination center will not be changed in any case.
- 6 Digit Roll no has been allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on the OMR sheet carefully.
- There will be 4 Series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on the OMR sheet carefully.
- The candidate must bring a writing pad with him/her.
- Kindly read the instructions mentioned on the OMR sheet and question booklet carefully.
- The candidate has to mention the Roll No. on the Question Booklet.
VMOU, Kota provides the provisional E-Certificate to successful rs-cit examines from November 2018 examination. If you want to download the certificate, first of all, you have to enroll your Aadhar card at your center then the center generates an e-certificate for you. The provisional e-certificate can be downloaded for the student’s SSO(Single Sign-On) login. This is free of cost facility provided by the university. The provisional e-certificate valid until the issuance of the physical certificate.
How to Appear in RSCIT Re-Exam-
Unfortunately, if you declare fail in the upcoming rscit exam held on 31 January 2021, then you have to apply for a re-exam event at your learning center. The re-exam process starts after the result declared by the University. Don’t worry, you have 3 more chances to appear in the exam.
We at ‘Career Planet Computer Education’ always give you accurate and in-time information about the exam and rscit answer key. Hope all students successfully clear it. The official answer key or exam solution of RSCIT will be released SET wise SET A, SET B, SET C, SET D soon on the official website of VMOU Kota.
Disclaimer -
All RSCIT Students are advice to match their answer with an officially approved answer key, which is published by VMOU Kota on their official website after the exam. We are providing the best answer key as per our knowledge and experience.
Hope all of you doing well in your examination. Good Luck.
You can also watch old RSCIT exam paper videos on our YouTube Channel.