RSCIT Answer Key 3 March 2019

RS-CIT course (Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology) is now the most popular computer course in Rajasthan. Its latest external RSCIT exam is going to be held on Sunday, 3 March 2019. Only July 2018 batch students are appearing in this exam event. So we are ready to publish rscit answer key for 3 March 2019 exam event. So let’s start discussing today’s answer key.
As you know RSCIT 17 February 2019 Exam has been canceled and postponed to 3 March 2019. Answer Key for 03.03.2019 will be uploaded on this page after the exam.
Who We Are?
We are authorized training center of Rajasthan knowledge corporation limited known as RKCL, running our center at Udaipur, Rajasthan. We publish rscit answer key on our website as well as on our YouTube Chanel. You are advised to visit our website and YouTube Chanel to get all the RSCFA (Tally GST) video tutorial and RSCIT Course Tutorial in the Hindi language. a You can match your OMR sheet’s answers with our answer key, but just hold it we also upload official authorized VMOU answer key on our website; so you can also match your answers and sour about it.
RSCIT Answer Key 3 March 2019
This is the official last exam event covering old rscit syllabus after that next exam event based on the new rscit syllabus.
You can find the official rscit answer key for 3 March 2019 exam at on Vardhman Mahaveer Open University Kota, known as (VMOU), website. You can also download and check the official answer key from our website after 2 days of exam.
If you have to found any problem in the authorized answer key issued by VMOU, then feel free to contact university by submitting your problem related to answering key at following email address-
RS-CIT is a basic comprehensive computer course; designed in such a way that helps in developing a fundamental understanding of computers, helps in learning the essential skills to use a computer with confidence, be more productive at home or at work, use technology to complement lifestyle and growth in career.
RSCIT Course is compulsory for getting Government Jobs in Rajasthan State. That means you cannot apply in Government exams if you do not have RSCIT Certificate. RSCIT course conducted by VMOU (Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota).
The government of Rajasthan has also found this course suitable for IT literacy and recognized under Department of IT & Communications.
RSCIT Exam Important Topics –
- Introduction to Computers.
- Uses of Computers
- Introduction to the Internet
- Internet Applications
- Operation System
- MS-Word Basic
- MS-Word Advance
- MS-Excel Basic
- MS-Excel Advance
- MS-PowerPoint Basics
- MS-Access
- Microsoft Outlook Basics
- Latest Trends in IT
- Computer Administration
- Computer Networking
- Maximum Marks-70
- Total No of Questions (MCQ Based)-35
- Each Question carries 2 Marks.
- Passing Marks-28
- Medium – Hindi & English.
- Duration- 1 Hour.
- Date-3 March 2019, Sunday.
- Exam Timing 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
Important Instructions for Students-
- Kindly bring an original copy of the admit card and any photo ID proof in original (Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter's ID card, Passport, Institution ID card etc.) along with you.
- Candidate should report at the examination center before 11:00 to 11:30 AM. After 11:30 AM a Candidate shall not be permitted to enter the examination center under any circumstance.
- The examination will be held on the basis of the objective question and black or blue ballpoint pen shall be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.
- Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination Hall.
- if any student found any discrepancy in the admit card, mail to
- The Examination center will not be changed in any case.
- 6 Digit Roll no has been allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet carefully.
- There will be 4 Series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet carefully.
- Candidate must bring writing pad with him/her.
- Kindly read the instructions mentioned in on OMR sheet and question booklet carefully.
- The candidate has to mention the Roll No. on the Question Booklet.
Note: Students declared passed in RSCIT exam only when he/she sore 28 marks in external paper and 12 marks in internal paper separately. In simple words, if you correct your 14 questions each carrying 2 marks in the external paper then you score 28 marks.
Vmou, Kota provides the provisional E-Certificate to successful rs-cit examines from November 2018 examination. If you want to download the certificate, first of all, you have to enroll your aadhar card at your center then center generate e-certificate for you. The provisional e-certificate can be downloaded for student’s SSO(Single Sign-On) login. This is free of cost facility provided by the university. The provisional e-certificate valid until the issuance of the physical certificate.
Disclaimer -
All RSCIT Students are advice to match their answer with officially approved answer key, which is published by VMOU Kota on their official RSCIT answer key published by VMOU, Kota after 2 to 3 days.
You can watch old RSCIT exam paper video on our YouTube Channel.